Traffic Ticket Lawyers & Paralegals in Cayuga, ON
Have you been charged with a traffic offence in Cayuga? Are you not from the Cayuga area but still want to fight these charges? Whether you have been charged with speeding, careless driving, no seatbelt, driving while under suspension or without insurance (or any other traffic violation) the experts at OTD Legal Services can help.
During your FREE no obligation consultation, an expert from OTD legal services will give you and your situation the individual attention that your case deserves. Whether you goals include fighting your ticket without ever going to court or if you would like to take your matter all the way to the trial stage, we are here to point you in the right direction.
You have the right to contest your charges in court. Not fighting your tickets can have serious consequences in other areas of your life. You may face increased insurance rates and for more serious charges you could lose your license, face jail time or face the inability to get insurance coverage again. DO NOT just pay your ticket or not show up for court before consulting with one of our licensed and experienced agents.
Contact us for your free, no obligation consultation. Don’t just pay your ticket, you have rights and we are here to help!
Have you been charged by the police and are looking to have your ticket or summons reviewed? We offer a no-cost review to help provide basic information about your offence and the court process so that you can make an informed decision on how you wish to proceed in protecting your interests. Ticket reviews are conducted by telephone through our head office toll-free at 1-866-591-9206.
Where is the Cayuga Traffic Court located?
Cayuga Courthouse
Cayuga – Haldimand Courthouse
55 Munsee St N, Cayuga, ON N0A 1E0
(905) 772-3335