I wanted to explain my videos that you can find on OTD ‘s website. These videos have a purpose, and they are a very specific purpose. They are simply made to help you. They are not considered legal advice. If you’ve reviewed these videos, you may come to the conclusion that you need more information.
My own opinion is that’s okay. You were never going to be given all the answers. That is impossible for any legal practitioner to do without specifically knowing the details of your own case. All of these cases are subjective, which simply means it’s unique to you, your situation. What happened in your narrative may be very important, but the narrative that you have on that particular charge is going to be different from some other person.
Those differences are very important going forward. So from this perspective, I cannot comment on all of those details. I’m having to provide you with a very generic idea. In that context, I’m also trying to provide you direction. That direction cannot be legal advice. I’m not allowed to provide you legal advice at this point in time.
If you’re watching this vehicle, I’m presuming you’re not our client. We do hope that you are our client one day, and if we can help you, we indeed will. These videos are to give you the best possible explanation, so that you can make your own personal decision on what you need to be doing next.
I will give you as much Information as I can to help you along. In many cases, you may need more of an explanation because there are time limits in these videos. So that would mean, unfortunately, you would have to call our office and talk to one of our licensed paralegals who could give you a bit more information and try to help you along.
I hope if you’ve reviewed this particular video, you have a better sense for what you’re looking at. There is value in looking at these videos, but there is also value in understanding exactly what these videos can provide to you going forward. I indeed intend to help you in any way possible. Please review them with this in mind.