Traffic Ticket Lawyers and Paralegals in Alexandria, ON
Alexandria Provincial Offences Court is a small satellite court located at 110 Main Street in Alexandria, Ontario. There are two nearby traffic courts in Cornwall and Morrisburg. Administration for all of these courts is at the Cornwall courthouse.
If you receive a traffic ticket or summons to appear in the Alexandria court, you should expect to attend court on at least two occasions. Even if you plead not guilty and opt for a trial, there is a preliminary court date, and your attendance is required.
Due to its remote location, many drivers issued traffic tickets in this area are simply passing by. Many of our clients are non-residents of the area, and therefore find it very cost effective to hire us to dispute their ticket. In most cases, our experienced team of lawyers and paralegals can make all court appearances for you, often without the need for your attendance at court at all.
From attending court on your behalf to scheduling and meeting with the prosecutor, our block fee covers the entire process, up to and including trial, if necessary. We have experience and success fighting tickets for Failure to Wear Seatbelt, Speeding, Careless Driving, Unsafe Passing, Unsafe Turns/Lane Changes, and Failure to Surrender Documents, and virtually all other traffic tickets. We also fight charges issued on a summons for No Insurance, Stunt Driving or Racing, and Driving While Suspended, etc. We can assist with charges under the Cannabis Control Act, Liquor License and Control Act, and Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act.
Getting a free consultation and quote for your Alexandria charge is easy: call, text, email or submit your ticket online. Our team will ensure you are taken care of from the first contact to the end result.
Where is the Alexandria Traffic Court located?
Alexandria Courthouse
110 Main St N, Alexandria, ON K0C 1A0
(613) 930-4544