Traffic Ticket Lawyers and Paralegals in Bracebridge, ON
Bracebridge is located at the intersection of highways 11 and 118 in the District of Muskoka in southeastern Ontario. Other areas located in the District of Muskoka include Gravenhurst, Huntsville, Georgian Bay, Lake of Bays, Muskoka Lakes, as well as the native reserves of Wahta Mohawk Territory and Moose Point.
Whether you are a local resident, a student attending Nipissing University or Georgian College, or simply traveling through the Bracebridge area, our team can assist you if you have been charged under the Highway Traffic Act or Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act. Many drivers in Ontario simply plead guilty to their offences without understanding the repercussions of a conviction.
A guilty plea will result in a record of conviction being placed into your personal driving history by the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) that will be visible to third parties that require a copy of your driver’s abstract such as an employer or insurance company. A conviction will also generally result in a fine that can range anywhere from a minor fine under a hundred dollars up to a major fine in the tens of thousands of dollars. A conviction may also result in a demerit point penalty or a suspension of your driver’s license that can prevent you from meeting your day-to-day personal, family, or work obligations. Very serious offences may also result in jail time.
OTD Legal Services provides a no cost, no commitment initial review of matters by calling our toll-free number at 1-866-591-9206, via email, online at, or at any of our offices in person. For simple cases, with 10 to 15 minutes we can generally gather your relevant case details and provide you with the basic information you need to make an educated decision on how to best protect your interests. A hasty and uniformed decision can have costly repercussions for years into your future.
Our team has experience with both regular and commercial motor vehicle clientele in providing cost effective legal representation. We can assist you with simple matters such as driver fail to properly wear seatbelt, disobey stop sign, speeding, amber/red light fail to stop, fail to stop for emergency vehicle, or failing to surrender your license or insurance card. We can also assist you with more serious offences such as careless driving, failing to remain at the scene of a collision, driving under suspension, or operate motor vehicle – no insurance. If you are a novice driver with a class 1 or class 2 license, you may be unaware that you are facing ‘escalated sanctions’ due to your class of license that could result in a mandatory suspension of your driver’s license should you be convicted.
Our licensed paralegals can protect your interests at court on your behalf, often times without the need for you to ever file a court document or step foot in a courthouse. After our initial response to the court in your matter, we will file for a release of the evidence that will be used against you at trial. The majority cases that we assist clients with can generally be resolved without the need for a full trial by reviewing the legal merits of that evidence with the Prosecutor at an early resolution meeting.
Our first goal is always to seek out a sufficient legal argument to simply have the charge(s) against you withdrawn. This results in no record of conviction, demerit points, fine, license suspension, jail, or impact to your insurance. If no legal grounds can be found for a withdrawal of the charge(s) against you, then most cases can be negotiated to reduce the number of charges, the nature of the charges, or the penalties associated with the charges. We can review with you the merits of accepting a negotiated plea versus the risks and benefits of proceeding to trial so that you can make an informed decision on how you wish your case to be resolved.
Our friendly and courteous team is here to help you. Before you make a potentially life altering decision on whether to plead guilty or proceed to court in your matter, we can help provide you with the basic information you need to make your best decision possible in protecting your interests.
Have you been charged by the police and are looking to have your ticket or summons reviewed? We offer a no-cost review to help provide basic information about your offence and the court process so that you can make an informed decision on how you wish to proceed in protecting your interests. Ticket reviews are conducted by telephone through our head office toll-free at 1-866-591-9206.
Where is the Bracebridge Traffic Court located?
Bracebridge Courthouse
Provincial Offences Office
76 Pine St, Bracebridge, ON P1L 1N3
(705) 645-1231