Traffic Ticket Lawyers & Paralegals in Dryden, ON

Dryden is located in northwestern Ontario, halfway between Winnipeg and Thunder Bay, along Highway 17. Dryden is the second largest city in the District of Kenora. 

What traffic tickets are issued on Highway 17? 

Common traffic offences committed on Highway 17 include Speeding, Stunt Driving, Careless Driving, Distracted Driving, Failure to Report and Accident, Failure to Remain, No Insurance, and Failure to Surrender Insurance Card.

What enforcement agencies patrol Highway 17 in Dryden?

Highway 17 is monitored and patrolled by the Ontario Provincial Police and the Ministry of Transportation. Both enforcement agencies have the power to issue Provincial Offence Notices (tickets) and Summonses to commuters who violate provincial law. 

How do I know if I received a ticket or Summons?

The biggest difference between a traffic ticket and a Summons is that you must respond to a ticket within 15 days to indicate if you want to fight the ticket or settle it out of court by paying it. The fine amount is on the ticket. A Summons will have a date and time you are to appear in court and no option to settle it out of court. Summonses are reserved for more serious offences such as Failing to Stop for Police, Driving While Suspended, and Operating a Motor Vehicle without Insurance. 

I have been charged. How do I know what penalties I am facing?

Penalties can include fines, demerit points, license suspensions, and sometimes even imprisonment. Age and class of license can also impact potential consequences. There may be additional penalties associated with your charge(s) that will not be listed on the ticket or summons. If you have been charged, please call our office to discuss the potential penalties you are facing. We can be reached at 226-647-6869 or by emailing for a free consultation. We will discuss how we can help you and provide you a quote to retain our services.  

Where is the Dryden Traffic Court located?

Dryden Courthouse


30 Van Horne Ave, Dryden, ON P8N 1C8

(807) 223-2225


Get A Free Quote & Consultation For Your Ticket

We have the skill and experience to help drivers just like you, all while protecting your best interests in the process. We provide free, no obligation, confidential consultations. To start a free consultation, text a copy of your ticket to 226-240-2480 or email a copy to Once we receive a copy of your ticket, we will call you. As always, we can also be contacted toll-free by calling 1-844-647-6869.


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