Traffic Ticket Lawyers & Paralegals in Marathon, ON

If you have received a traffic ticket in Marathon, we can help!

The Marathon Provincial Offences Court is located at 4 Hemlo Drive in Marathon, Ontario. If you have received a traffic ticket that is returnable to the Marathon Court, you are aware that Marathon is a very remote town, located approximately 2 km west of Trans Canada Highway 17 on the north shore of Lake Superior. Traffic violations received in Marathon are issued by the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), which has a newer detachment building (2020) that employs 18 officers. 

Typical traffic tickets issued by the OPP are for Speeding, Stunt Driving, Seatbelt violations, Distracted Driving and accident charges, including Careless Driving. Due to its remote location, many drivers that receive a traffic ticket in Marathon simply pay the ticket as it is not worth the time and expense to travel back to dispute the charge. However, most of the charges issued in Marathon have a significant impact on insurance. 


The Impact of Speeding & Stunt Driving Violations

Does your Speeding ticket carry any demerit points? If so, how many? Could your Stunt Driving charge potentially suspend or cancel your driver’s license? Will paying your Speeding ticket result in a major insurance increase or cancellation of your insurance policy? If you don’t know the answer to all of these questions, you should find out before you pay your ticket. We offer a free, no obligation consultation to answer all your questions relating to any traffic violation that you have received.


The Impact of Careless Driving & Distracted Driving Charges

Will a Careless Driving conviction render you uninsurable? How long will your driver’s license be suspended for if you pay a Drive – Hand-Held Communication Device ticket? Will you be considered a “high-risk” driver if you are convicted of either of these charges? These are all questions that can be addressed by our team of professional and experienced paralegals. The answers you are seeking are only a phone call away.

We fight traffic tickets and minor criminal charges. That is all we do. We are a team of licensed paralegals with offices and Agents all across Ontario. If you have received a ticket in Marathon or any other court in Ontario, we can help you. The first step to getting all the answers you need is to send us a copy of your ticket or summons for a free consultation. We typically respond to consultation requests very quickly, and we can complete the entire process over the phone with no need for you to attend at one of our offices. Once you are a client at OTD Legal, you can relax knowing that you are in the most capable and competent hands possible.

Where is the Marathon Traffic Court located?

Marathon Courthouse 

City hall in Marathon, Ontario

4 Hemlo Dr, Marathon, ON P0T 2E0

(807) 229-1340



Get A Free Quote & Consultation For Your Ticket

We have the skill and experience to help drivers just like you, all while protecting your best interests in the process. We provide free, no obligation, confidential consultations. To start a free consultation, text a copy of your ticket to 226-240-2480 or email a copy to Once we receive a copy of your ticket, we will call you. As always, we can also be contacted toll-free by calling 1-844-647-6869.


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