Traffic Ticket Lawyers and Paralegals in Napanee, ON
Napanee is located in southeastern Ontario in Lennox and Addington County between Belleville and Kingston, connected by highways 401, 41, and 2. Other areas within the Lennox and Addington County area include Addington Highlands, Loyalist, and Stone Mills. Court filings for criminal, small claims, enforcement, civil, family, or estate matters are made at the court administrative offices at 41 Dundas Street West. Superior Court appearances for matters such as family, civil, or criminal occur at the 97 Thomas Street courthouse. Ontario Court and Small Claims Court appearances occur at the 41 Dundas Street West location.
If you have been charged under the Highway Traffic Act or the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act, OTD Paralegal can help you. We offer a no cost, no commitment initial review of matters to provide you with the basic information you need to understand the consequences inherent to the charge(s) that have been issued against you. For most simple cases, in as little as 10 to 15 minutes our team can gather the details of your case and provide you the information necessary in protecting your ability to remain licensed, avoid court fines, protect your insurance rates, and avoid jail.
Many defendants are unaware of the various penalties incurred by a conviction. In Ontario, fines can range from less than a hundred dollars up to tens of thousands of dollars. Some offences can also trigger a suspension of your license either through direct suspension by the court, or by the accumulation of demerit points with the MTO. Novice drivers such as G1 or G2 license holders are especially vulnerable to license suspension due to a limited number of demerit points allowed before being suspended by the MTO. Novice drivers also receive an automatic suspension or revocation of their license if convicted of an offence carrying 4 or more demerit points. A conviction for a serious offence could also result in a jail sentence. Before making any decisions that could have life altering consequences, it is important to understand your legal rights and options.
For most of the clients that we represent at court, we can generally resolve matters without need for a full trial or without requiring the defendant to attend court. This helps to reduce the stress and time costs inherent to defending your interests at court. After receiving and reviewing the evidence that the Prosecutor has to work with, we’ll meet with the Prosecutor in advance of trial to review the merits of their case. Where there is a lack of evidence, an inappropriate charging of the defendant, or a critical error inherent to the Prosecutor’s case, our first goal is to exhaust any grounds to simply have the charges against our client withdrawn. If no grounds exist to have the charges withdrawn, then most matters can be negotiated to reduce the nature or number of the charges, or at least reduce the penalties associated with them.
If your matter can not be resolved in advance of trial, then one of our experienced and skilled paralegals will represent your interests on your behalf at court. Many trials can be conducted without the need for the defendant to be present. Having a licensed paralegal as your advocate at court will ensure that your defence is fully and properly presented, and that the evidence being held against you is properly challenged.
OTD legal helps clients that have been charged with minor offences such as speeding, driver fail to properly wear seatbelt, red or amber light offences, disobey stop sign, or driving a vehicle without a currently valid permit. We also represent clients that have been involved in vehicle collisions or have been charged with serious offences such as fail to remain at the scene of a collision, careless driving, failing to stop for a school bus, or drive under suspension. Our team can be reached by calling our toll-free number at 1-866-591-9206 or via email, through our online website, or at any of our offices in person.
Have you been charged by the police and are looking to have your ticket or summons reviewed? We offer a no-cost review to help provide basic information about your offence and the court process so that you can make an informed decision on how you wish to proceed in protecting your interests. Ticket reviews are conducted by telephone through our head office toll-free at 1-866-591-9206.
Where is the Napanee Traffic Court located?
Napanee Courthouse
Lennox & Addington Provincial Offences Office
97 Thomas St E, Napanee, ON K7R 4B9
(613) 354-1672