Fight Stratford Traffic Tickets
Were you pulled over in the Stratford area and given a traffic ticket? OTD Legal Services can help you!
Stratford is a popular tourist destination located in Perth County alongside the Avon River and is intersected by Highways 7 and 8. Perth County includes the four municipalities of North Perth, East Perth, South Perth, and West Perth. This large geographic area includes many locations such as Atwood, Britton, Donegal, Gowanstown, Kurtzville, and Listowel. Stratford is well known for its Shakespeare Festival. The city also draws students to its local campus of the University of Western Ontario and sports enthusiasts to its rich sporting culture. Whether you are a resident, student, or simply enjoying the sports and entertainment offered in Stratford, if you are issued a traffic ticket, it is important to know your legal rights and what penalties you are facing. OTD Legal Services is here to answer your questions and help you throughout the process.
Our team at OTD Legal Services helps both regular drivers and professional commercial motor vehicle drivers. We can assist drivers with very serious offences such as Failing to Stop for a School Bus, Careless Driving, Failing to Remain, Driving While Under Suspension, Stunt Driving, or Providing False Information to Police. We also assist clients with simpler offences such as Speeding, Failure to Surrender Insurance Card, Driver Seatbelt charges, Disobey Stop Sign, Unnecessary Noise, and Following too Closely. It is important to note that even the simpler offences can carry demerit points, significant fines, suspend your driver’s license, and increase insurance rates.
The Stratford Provincial Offences court is located at 1 Huron Street. Our team at OTD Legal Services attends this courthouse daily. We often see unrepresented defendants simply pleading guilty to charges without fully understanding the consequences of doing so. Does the offence carry demerit points? How much will the fine be? How long will the conviction remain on the driving record? Will a conviction result in a driver’s license suspension? Is there the possibility of jail time upon conviction? These are all questions that a licensed paralegal or lawyer at OTD Legal Services can provide you with answers to during a free consultation.
Have you been charged by the police and are looking to have your ticket or summons reviewed? Call us now for a free consultation. We will need to see a copy of your traffic ticket, so you can text a picture of your ticket to 226-240-2480, email a picture of the ticket to, or submit a picture of the ticket through our website. Once received, a member of our team will give you a call. In as little as 10 to 15 minutes, our team can generally gather the required information to provide you with a quote and course of action, relieving you of the stress and uncertainty that getting a traffic ticket can cause. When you call OTD Legal Services, there is help, there is hope!
Where is the Stratford Traffic Court located?
Stratford Courthouse
Perth County Courthouse
1 Huron St, Stratford, ON N5A 5S4
(519) 271-1850