Traffic Ticket Lawyers and Paralegals in Walkerton, ON
Walkerton is located in southern Ontario along highway 9 and route 4 in Bruce County. Other nearby areas within Bruce County include Saugeen Shores, South Bruce Peninsula, Huron-Kinloss, Arran–Elderslie, Brockton, Kincardine, Northern Bruce Peninsula, South Bruce, as well as the independent First Nations reserves of Neyaashiinigmiing and Saugeen.
Our experienced and knowledgeable team are here to help you with any charges that have been issued against you under the Highway Traffic Act or Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act. Our team regularly assists regular drivers and commercial motor vehicle drivers with charges that have been issued by either municipal police services or the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). If you have been issued a ticket or a summons, seeking out basic information about your offence and your legal options can help avoid a costly conviction that could have life altering consequences.
Fines in Ontario can range anywhere from under a hundred dollars for minor offences, up to tens of thousands of dollars for very serious offences. A record of conviction for your offence may also have a substantial impact on your insurance coverage rate depending on the nature of your charge and your driving history. A conviction can also result in the suspension of your license if you accrue sufficient demerit points for the MTO to issue a suspension, or if the court issues a driver’s license suspension against you as part of its ruling. Some of the most serious offences can also carry intermittent or straight jail time.
For most cases, we can generally gather the basic information about your offence and provide you with basic information about the court process within as little as 10 to 15 minutes. The legal work in defending your case at court can almost always be performed for a fixed, flat-rate so that you can weigh out the costs and benefits of proceeding. Our team can be reached by calling our toll-free number at 1-866-591-9206 or via email, through our website at, or at any of our offices in person.
Our paralegal team is licensed with the Law Society of Ontario and is experienced both in the law and in the courtroom. OTD legal regularly helps defendants that have been charged with serious offences such as operate motor vehicle – no insurance, stunt driving / race motor vehicle, fail to remain at the scene of a collision, or careless driving. We are also able to provide cost effective legal representation for more minor offences such as speeding, disobey stop sign, driver fail to properly wear seatbelt, red light – fail to stop, or driving without a currently valid permit. If you become convicted without having your defence heard at court, your legal options become greatly reduced and the legal costs of trying to undo an unnecessary conviction can become very high.
Our goal is to minimize the penalties and the naturally occurring stress that our clients face after having been charged by the police, especially in cases involving motor vehicle collisions and injuries. For most defendants, the thought of having to appear before the court to give evidence or to argue against a Prosecutor is intimidating. Fortunately, most cases that we assist clients with can be resolved without the need for trial and for those cases that do result in trial, many of those matters do not require the client to be present at court.
Our friendly staff are here to assist you. Even if all you need is basic information before deciding to simply pay your ticket, ensuring that you have the correct information in making that decision is important in avoiding hasty or costly decisions.
Have you been charged by the police and are looking to have your ticket or summons reviewed? We offer a no-cost review to help provide basic information about your offence and the court process so that you can make an informed decision on how you wish to proceed in protecting your interests. Ticket reviews are conducted by telephone through our head office toll-free at 1-866-591-9206.
Where is the Walkerton Traffic Court located?
Walkerton (County of Bruce) Courthouse
207 Cayley St, Walkerton, ON N0G 2V0
(519) 881-1772