Being Pulled Over and Bodycams

by | Jan 10, 2025 | General Videos

Video Transcription:

I want to talk to you today about the use of body cameras by the police. It is important to realize that in most situations across Ontario, when you get pulled over and find a police officer beside your vehicle, at that point in time two things have happened. They’ve probably recorded the whole event as you were pulled over from their vehicle, and as they come up to the side of your vehicle to talk to you, you’re likely being recorded.
Sometimes they’re going to tell you that, sometimes they’re not. I think in the months and years to come, you’re going to realize that they’re not going to introduce that information as much, and it will be very well known that when you talk to the police, it will be recorded. I consider that a double-edged sword.
You’re going to get used to that. I want you to get used to that. It’s fine. It is important not to fear that, and it’s important to get your cues from the police officer. If they don’t tell you, for example, that anything being recorded or anything you say at that point in time may be used against you, that’s something I need to be aware of in order to help you.
Information that may be considered inculpatory simply means that if it is before a court, it may be considered in a conviction sense. If you’re not cautioned, they’re not going to be able to use that, and that’s important—something we want to be aware of. So, I would suggest that when you are talking to the police, you remain calm, remain polite, say as little as possible, but certainly be professional.
You don’t want to be adversarial, but realize that the impression you’re making could be recorded. Whether or not that’s used against you in a courtroom will be determined at another time.

<a href="" target="_self">Ron Harper</a>

Ron Harper

Author, Owner of OTD Ticket Defenders Legal Services and Licensed Paralegal

Licensed Paralegal & Founder of OTD Ticket Defenders Ron Harper holds a BA in Psychology, a Certificate in Public Administration, and an Honours degree in Political Science, along with a Master’s in Judicial Administration. With over 40 years of experience in traffic law, including years of experience as a Prosecutor, Ron Harper leads one of Ontario's top traffic ticket defence firms.

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