People are often curious about top defence strategies for traffic tickets. We must first examine the case. Every case for every individual that comes through our doors is different. That’s important. The distinguishing features of that individual’s facts and case dictate what our next move will be. By way of an example, what we’re going to look for is the roadside.
What happened at the roadside? What did you say? Were you cautioned? What did you tell the police? By way of example, there is a case that I, in recent memory, where there was a careless driving charge and a client told me, well, yeah, I was late, I was tired, and I simply fell asleep, and I woke, and I ended up off the road and someone obviously called the police within moments of that happening the police arrived. As I got out of the vehicle I simply told the police, I’m sorry. I fell asleep. Well, falling asleep behind the wheel is not a defense to careless driving. However, what the officer had forgotten to do at that point in time is to caution that driver and get that statement again.
So in that particular case, they were successful in getting out of careless driving simply because they did not caution that individual. Now these are important things. These are what I call strategies and things that we do on a daily basis to help defend people. Knowing the details of that particular case, knowing the law, are part of the key strategies that lead to our success as a firm, lead to successes for individual clients. When I’m in a position to tell people, and ask questions of this nature, what I generally do is simply say: Well, you’re going to want to take the time to independently research who you want to select to help you with such a matter. You’re going to look for knowledge and experience and a proven track record that these are the right people, this is the right firm to defend me.
So,the list of strategies It’s days and days long of me talking to you about what those strategies might be. The important thing to note is that if you have a case and you’re concerned, you need to get somebody thinking about it and employing experience and knowledge to find out what those specific strategies are going to be for your case so that you are successful in either getting out of that charge completely or having it reduced to something that you can live with.