Traffic Ticket Lawyers & Paralegals in Huntsville, ON
Located in Muskoka, Huntsville is roughly halfway between Toronto and North Bay. Surrounded by many lakes and hilly terrain, Huntsville is a popular tourist destination for families and nature enthusiasts.
What happens if I receive a traffic ticket in Huntsville?
If you receive a traffic ticket in Huntsville, you will first need to identify if you have been charged with a Part 1 or Part 3 offence. Part 1 offences will typically be issued on a Provincial Offence Notice and Part 3 offences will be issued on a Summons. Part 3 offences carry more severe penalties than Part 1 offences and require you to attend court on a specific date and time. This date and time will be indicated on the Summons. Provincial Offence Notices don’t require you to attend court on a specific date and time, however, you will have to respond to the ticket within 15 days of receiving it.
What are the three options when responding to a Provincial Offence Notice?
Pay the ticket
By paying the ticket you are pleading guilty to the charge as is and all the penalties that come with it. Penalties include fines, demerit points, license suspensions, and sometimes imprisonment.
Early Resolution – Meet with the Prosecutor
By choosing this option you are choosing to meet with the prosecutor to discuss potential resolutions to the charge. By choosing this option you do not forgo the right to a trial. If you do not reach a resolution a trial date will be set.
Trial Option
You are choosing to appear in court to plead not guilty to the charge against you. A trial date will be set.
Where is the Huntsville Traffic Court located?
Huntsville Court
The Huntsville Provincial Offence court is located at 36 Chaffey Street Huntsville, ON. At this court the following charges are commonly heard: Stunt Driving, Careless Driving, Speeding, No Insurance, and Cannabis / Liquor Readily Available.
If you have any questions about what you have been charged with or need legal representation in court, our team of experienced Paralegals licensed under the Law Society of Ontario can help! Please reach out to our office at 226-647-6869 or by emailing us for more information.
36 Chaffey St, Huntsville, ON P1H 1J4
(705) 789-9623