Traffic Ticket Lawyer – Sarnia, ON
Have you been charged by the police and are looking to have your ticket or summons reviewed? We offer a no-cost review to help provide basic information about your offence and the court process so that you can make an informed decision on how you wish to proceed in protecting your interests.
Did you receive a traffic ticket in Sarnia?
If you have been stopped by the police in this area and charged under the Highway Traffic Act or the Compulsory Automobile Insurance Act, OTD Legal can be of assistance. Our administrative and paralegal team members are happy to provide you with the service, knowledge, and guidance necessary in protecting your interests at court. Most charges can be resolved by our team on your behalf without the need for you to ever file a court document or personally attend court, saving the time and financial costs of lost work days in attempting to self-represent yourself at court.
How to Fight Your Sarnia Ticket
The first step is to contact our team. We provide a no-cost, no-commitment initial review of your case by calling our toll-free number at 1-866-591-9206
via email, online at, or at any of our offices in person. Generally one of our team members will be able to gather the details of your case and provide you with basic information about the defence process in little more than 10 to 15 minutes for simple cases such as speeding, disobey stop sign, red light – fail to stop, fail to surrender insurance card, operate motor vehicle no license, or any of the other possible HTA or CAIA offences.
Beyond simple charges, our team is also knowledgeable and experienced in more complex and serious cases such as motor vehicle collisions involving injury, operating a motor vehicle without insurance, failing to remain at the scene of collision, or careless driving. If you have been charged by the police on a summons to appear at court, your offence notice will include the time, date, and location of a mandatory hearing to appear before the court. Such charges will generally require multiple court appearances to resolve and will expose you to the most serious penalties that can be applied against a defendant.
Know Your Legal Rights
It is important to know your legal rights and what penalties will be incurred should you plead guilty or be convicted by the court. What might appear to be a simple offence may in fact result in the suspension of your license, an increase to your insurance rates, a large court fine, or in a worst case scenario even jail. If you are a novice driver with a G1 or G2 license, you may also be subject to escalated sanctions by the MTO in applying an additional license suspension beyond the immediate court penalties. It is important to seek out basic information to understand the penalties you are facing and the defence process in weighing out the costs and benefits of hiring a paralegal. A rash decision to simply plead guilty in your case can have negative consequence for years, if not for your entire lifetime.
Our team is here to help you when you need us most. If you’ve been charged by the police, let our team of experts handle the time and stress involved in the court process on your behalf.
Where is the Sarnia Traffic Court located?
Sarnia Courthouse
The Provincial Offences Office for Lambton County, located in the Bayside Centre in Sarnia, handles matters related to provincial offences such as traffic tickets and bylaw violations. The office provides services for fine payments, trial requests, and case inquiries. For assistance or to confirm office hours, consult their official resources or contact them directly.
150 Christina St N, Sarnia, ON N7T 7W5
(519) 344-8880