Careless Driving With A G1 License

Careless driving can lead to fines, demerit points, and even license suspension for G1 drivers.

In Ontario, G1 drivers are required to always have a fully licensed driver with them and to avoid alcohol and drugs. Careless driving includes actions and behaviours showing a lack of care, resulting in possible serious consequences for young drivers just starting their driving journey.

Consequences of Careless Driving for G1 Drivers

Demerit Points

Demerit points are added to a driver’s record for traffic violations. For G1 license holders, accumulating even a few demerit points can lead to serious consequences.

  • Thresholds: An accumulation of six to eight demerit points can lead to an interview with the Ministry of Transportation.
  • Higher Consequences: If the total reaches nine or more, your license will be suspended for 60 days.
  • Serious Offences: A single conviction for an offence that carries 4 or more demerit points or for breaking the rules of graduated licensing will result in a license suspension or cancellation of your driving license.


License Suspension and Cancellation Procedures

Suspension or cancellation of a G1 license is a possible consequence of careless driving. 

  • Suspension Process: If a G1 driver receives a conviction for careless driving, they will face an automatic suspension.
  • Cancellation: Repeated violations will lead to license cancellation, requiring the driver to restart the graduated licensing process.
  • Rehabilitation: A suspended or canceled license often requires drivers to take improvement courses to regain their driving privileges.


Insurance Premiums and Coverage

Careless driving affects insurance premiums for G1 drivers. Insurance companies see novice drivers with convictions as high-risk.

  • Insurance Rates: Rates can increase significantly after a careless driving conviction.
  • Coverage Limitations: Some insurance providers might limit coverage or refuse to offer any coverage to high-risk drivers.
  • Record Impact: A conviction stays on the driver’s record for several years, affecting future premiums and coverage options.


What are the consequences of accruing demerit points for a G1 license holder in Ontario?

G1 drivers in Ontario will face license suspension if they accumulate too many demerit points or are convicted of an offence that carries 4 or more demerit points or breaks the rules of graduated licensing. An accumulation of six points may result in an interview at the Ministry of Transportation. At nine points, a novice driver’s  license will be suspended.

What fines and penalties are associated with G1 driving violations in Ontario?

Fines for G1 driving violations can vary. For careless driving, fines can range from $400 to $2,000. Additionally, there may be potential jail time and increased insurance premiums.

What penalties are imposed for driving unaccompanied with a G1 license in Ontario?

If a G1 driver is caught driving alone, they face a fine of up to $500. Upon conviction, their license will also be suspended, affecting their ability to progress to a G2 license.

How long will a careless driving conviction remain on my driving record in Ontario?

A careless driving conviction will stay on a driver’s record for three years in Ontario. During this period, it can affect insurance rates and the ability to obtain a clean driving abstract.


Do You Need To Defend Yourself Against A Careless Driving Ticket?

If you need to defend yourself against careless driving, you should contact us as soon as possible. We have the skill and experience to help drivers just like you, all while protecting your best interests in the process. We provide free, no obligation, confidential consultations. We help drivers throughout Ontario, including in Kitchener, Georgetown, London, and Windsor, or from our home office in Cambridge. To start a free consultation, text a copy of your ticket to 226-240-2480 or email a copy to Once we receive a copy of your ticket, we will call you. As always, we can also be contacted toll-free by calling 1-844-647-6869.


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