What Is The Fine For A No Seatbelt Ticket In Ontario?

Section 106 of the Highway Traffic Act in Ontario addresses seat belt use. If you are caught driving without a seat belt, a police officer can issue a ticket with a $200 fine plus a victim fine surcharge. In some cases, you may receive a summons to attend court, where fines can reach $1,000 plus the victim fine surcharge.

Penalties and Implications:

  • Seat belt ticket: $200 fine + victim fine surcharge.
  • Summons to court: Up to $1,000 fine + victim fine surcharge.
  • Demerit points: 2 demerit points
  • Insurance increases: Possible, as seat belt tickets appear on your driving record.


Video Transcription:

What is the fine for a no seat belt ticket in Ontario? Charges for no seat belts. are found under the Highway Traffic Act, specifically Section 106. There are two ways that you would see a charge such as this. You would either have a ticket or you would be summonsed by a police officer. If you received a ticket from a police officer, you will see a fine on the ticket of 200 plus victim fine surcharge.

If you receive a summons, you will not see any such fine on there. You will simply be commanded to attend court. When in court, they have the ability to fine you up to 1, 000 plus victim fine surcharge.

by | May 8, 2024

Ron Harper

Ron Harper

Ron Harper, owner of OTD Ticket Defenders Legal Services, is a former Ontario Prosecutor and Licensed Paralegal with over 40 years of experience in traffic offences.

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