Freedom Convoy Is Rolling Through Canada

by | Aug 8, 2022 | General, Ticket Defence | 0 comments

A Convoy is defined as, “A group of vehicles travelling together for mutual support.” On January 22nd, 2022, the Freedom Convoy began to form across Ontario before congregating in Ottawa on Parliament Hill.

The Freedom Convoy saw several hundred trucks and thousands of protestors come out to protest vaccine mandates. Specifically, the trucker vaccine mandate which made proof of vaccination a requirement to cross the United States border. Prior to the mandate, commercial motor vehicle drivers were free to travel between Canada and the United States, regardless of vaccination status.

By February 7th, the Freedom Convoy reached the Ontario/Michigan border. They were met with a heavy police presence who began ticketing and towing vehicles under the Highway Traffic Act (HTA). Some of the tickets issued include:
1.    Unnecessary Noise – HTA s.75(4) – $85.00 fine, 0 Demerit Points.
2.    Unnecessary Slow Driving – HTA s.132 – $150.00 – $300.00 fine, 1 CVOR Point, 2 Demerit Points.
3.    Fail to Accurately Complete Daily Inspection Report (Commercial Drivers only) – HTA s.107(5) – $200.00 fine, 2 CVOR Points.
4.    Fail to Surrender Completed Daily Inspection Report (Commercial Drivers only) – HTA s.107(7) – $85.00 fine, 3 CVOR Points.
5.    Disobey Sign – HTA s.182(2) – $85.00 – $120.00 fine, 2 CVOR Points, 2 Demerit Points.

You are innocent until proven guilty. You have the right to fight your ticket. If you’ve received a ticket while participating in the Freedom Convoy, or for any other reason, please contact us. We would be happy to assist you with your charges.

Ron Harper

Ron Harper

Ron Harper, owner of OTD Ticket Defenders Legal Services, is a former Ontario Prosecutor and Licensed Paralegal with over 40 years of experience in traffic offences.