What Happens If Your Drivers Licence Expires

I’m here today to briefly discuss with you what happens if your driver’s license expires. In the ordinary course, it can happen. All of us have, unfortunately, the obligation to make sure that we review our license, our driver’s license, from time to time and make sure that it has not expired. And if it has, or it’s about to, you would simply go down to Service Ontario and renew your driver’s license, and pay whatever fee that might be, and then you would get your license extended. And obviously continue to hold a valid driver’s license.

If you were pulled over for some offense, or by some Investigation by a police officer and they were discovered that, in fact, your driver’s license had expired they could ticket you under the Highway Traffic Act it’s actually Section 32- 1 under the Highway Traffic Act, and with that ticket would come a fine, it’s an $85 fine, plus victim fine surcharge. That’s something we all like to avoid because we don’t want to see those types of things on our driver’s abstract. Because we know those types of things or any blemishes on our driving abstract could and would be used against us if an insurance company, your own insurance company were to see that they would use that to increase your rates, which is one thing we all simply want to try to avoid.

So, I would encourage you, if you’re looking at this video hopefully you haven’t been charged, but if you do see the video take the time to pull your license out, take a look, make sure you’re onside, and that will save you an awful lot of time and effort in the future.

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